*Get this roadmap and resources free at moondev.com

Algo Trading Roadmap (where do i start?)

✅ step 1: please stop trading by hand, make that commitment to yourself. 99% of hand traders lose all their money. don’t waste your time staring at charts, spend time researching & coding out your edge. study the RBI system to automate your trading

📹 step 2: watch this free training on how to build a trading bot

✨ step 3: watch this free training to help you generate 90+ trading strategies

🔥 step 4: watch this free training to see how to actually use ai in trading

👑 step 5: join our free algo traders only discord community here

⭐️ step 6: read all the faqs below, you will learn a lot

Step 7: Come To The Daily Live Streams

Every day I live code on twitch & youtube building trading algorithms following my rbi system.

i simply follow my rbi system every single day on stream

Step 8: Show Up To The Weekly Code Reviews

Every friday at 12pm est (4p utc) we do a code review of that week’s streams or something else interesting via zoom. This is only for people in the inner circle, which will never be more than 1% of my youtube subscribers

There will be time for questions at the end for live participants only. Only if you get accepted to the Inner Circle, it’s $1.99 per week to join these weekly code review + q&a sessions.

Apply for the Inner Circle To Join Weekly Code Reviews

Schedule: Every Friday at 12pm EST (4pm UTC)

below is a roadmap to get started with algo trading